Coming from the successful Transformer series is Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon’. Directed by Michael Bay and produced by Steven Spielberg, it follows two successful movies, Transformers and Transformers:Revenge of the Fallen. The movie stars Shia Le beouf, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson and John Turturro doing a reprise of their roles. Megan Fox is not making an appearance in this movie, Transformers 3 would be the last installment in this series.
The movie begins with a war on Cybertron between Autobots and Decepticons which the Autobots are losing. The Autobot leader launches an Ark that has technology that could save his kind. Unfortunately the Ark crashes on Earth's moon in 1961 leading to the NASA moon landing in 1969 to investigate the wrecked spacecraft. The Autobots are now engaged in a race with the Decepticons to find the Ark which contains their secrets.
Transformers 3 is expected to generate the same kind of hysteria at the box office and provide the kind of entertainment it has been giving to its audiences worldwide – action, space adventure and loads of special effects. Coming from the Steven Spielberg stable it should again be a movie that will not disappoint despite being the third in the series.
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The movie begins with a war on Cybertron between Autobots and Decepticons which the Autobots are losing. The Autobot leader launches an Ark that has technology that could save his kind. Unfortunately the Ark crashes on Earth's moon in 1961 leading to the NASA moon landing in 1969 to investigate the wrecked spacecraft. The Autobots are now engaged in a race with the Decepticons to find the Ark which contains their secrets.
Transformers 3 is expected to generate the same kind of hysteria at the box office and provide the kind of entertainment it has been giving to its audiences worldwide – action, space adventure and loads of special effects. Coming from the Steven Spielberg stable it should again be a movie that will not disappoint despite being the third in the series.
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