‘Warrant the Misison’, is a Bengali movie scheduled to release around September 30, 2011. It stars Joy Mukherjee, Priyanka Sarkar, Debjit, Partho, Debashree, Anamika Saha, Biswajit Chakroborty, Santana Basu, Kallol Roy, Debjit Goswami & Others. The movie is presented by Tiara Entertainment and is directed by Swarup Ghosh.
"Warrant The Mission’ is an socio-thriller wherein Rahul, Pritam and Gabu- three Engineering students - kidnap the daughters of Suvankar Chakraborty, the Home Minister of West Bengal Sanchita (22, an MBBS student) and Titir (8) to highlight the plight of police excesses on suspected terrorists. Chased by a special task force they hide in an old bungalow in the forests, owned by an old woman Sushama, When the leader of the kidnappers, Rahul, goes to get medicines for the young Titir and gets shot by the Task Force. He in return sends the Home Minister the clothes of his daughters soaked in blood and the media goes into a frenzy. Realising that the boys are not terrorists Sanchita and Sushama help them. Rahul narrates how his own mother was killed by the government while hunting terrorists. Thus he kidnaps the girls to teach the Home Minister a lesson. When the Home Minister reaches the forest he realizes that Sushama was his political mentor. Sushama tells him to reduce the gap between the system and the terrorists to get them into the mainstream.
‘Warrant The Mission’ promises to be an action packed socio-political thriller which is highly relevant in these times. It promises to be an out and out entertainer and would surely appeal to all audiences. ‘Warrant The Mission’ could be the bumper hit of this season in Bengali cinema so get your tickets booked in advance.
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‘Warrant The Mission’ promises to be an action packed socio-political thriller which is highly relevant in these times. It promises to be an out and out entertainer and would surely appeal to all audiences. ‘Warrant The Mission’ could be the bumper hit of this season in Bengali cinema so get your tickets booked in advance.
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