The Smurfs is a 3D, CGI, animation movie based on the adorable small blue fictional comic characters, called the Smurfs. Created by Peyo, a Belgian cartoonist, in 1958, the Smurfs live in a village and run their own lives with all the characteristics of humans. In the movie an evil wizard Gargamel chases the Smurfs from their village. Consequently the Smurfs fall out of their secure magical world into the middle of Central Park. As all the Smurfs are only as high as three apples, they have some serious challenges as they try to survive life in New York and the devious plans of Gargamel as he tries to hunt them down and prevent them from reaching their village.
The movie, the first of a trilogy, is scheduled to release on Jul 29, 2011 and promises to be a fun filled, fantasy with all these lovely Smurf characters. The movie is directed by Raja Gosnell and the screenplay was written by J. David Stem. The movie stars Neill Patrick Harris, Jayma Mays, Sofia Vergara and Hank Azaria. Music has been composed by heitor Pereira and Cinematography is by Phil Meheux. Editing is by Sabrina Plisco.
The Smurfs are completely adorable characters and it would be interesting to see what they do when stuck in a world outside their own, in New York. It holds delicious promise and surely should be great fare for children and adults alike.
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The movie, the first of a trilogy, is scheduled to release on Jul 29, 2011 and promises to be a fun filled, fantasy with all these lovely Smurf characters. The movie is directed by Raja Gosnell and the screenplay was written by J. David Stem. The movie stars Neill Patrick Harris, Jayma Mays, Sofia Vergara and Hank Azaria. Music has been composed by heitor Pereira and Cinematography is by Phil Meheux. Editing is by Sabrina Plisco.
The Smurfs are completely adorable characters and it would be interesting to see what they do when stuck in a world outside their own, in New York. It holds delicious promise and surely should be great fare for children and adults alike.
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